Begini Tampilan Jakarta Setelah Tidak Lagi Menjadi Ibu Kota!

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Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Jakarta is set to be transformed as the center of the national economy, a global city, and an agglomeration area after its position as the capital will soon be removed. A number of authorities will be given to its provincial government.

In the draft of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Province Law agreed upon by members of the council as a proposed bill initiative of the DPR, there are at least 16 authorities that will be given to the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Provincial Government.

These authorities are more numerous than those stipulated in Law No. 29/2007 concerning DKI Jakarta. In that law, the authority of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is only in terms of determining and implementing policies in the fields of spatial planning, natural resources, and the environment; population control and settlements; transportation; industry and trade; and tourism.

The 16 authorities given to the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Provincial Government include special authorities in the field of public works and spatial planning. These involve water resources; waste management; drinking water; wastewater; drainage; settlements; building and environmental planning; and roads.

Additionally, special authority in the field of housing for people and residential areas include the authority to provide and determine criteria for decent and affordable housing for people; and the criteria for providing and financing housing for low-income and certain income communities determined by the Governor’s Regulation.

Special authorities in the field of investment are also given, including the development of the investment climate; investment services; control of investment implementation; and investment data and information systems.

Furthermore, special authority in the field of transportation, including traffic and road transportation; shipping; and railways. One of the details is the authority to provide public transportation services across regions in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi proportionally.

There are also special authorities in the field of environmental management, including the management of hazardous and toxic waste; and waste management. Special authority in the field of industry includes the authority to issue permits and supervision and control.

Special authorities in the field of tourism and creative economy include the appointment of tourist destinations; the development of the creative economy ecosystem; the development of tourism and creative economy resources; and the tourism industry.

Meanwhile, special authorities in the field of trade include permitting and registration of companies in the trade sector; stabilizing the prices of staple goods and essential goods; export development; and consumer protection and trade supervision standardization.

Special authorities in the field of education include quality and access to education; and higher education. Special authorities in the field of health include health data; and health efforts. Special authority in the field of culture prioritizes the advancement of Betawi culture and other cultures that develop in Jakarta; and involves businesses, general education and religious institutions, customary and Betawi culture institutions, and the community in the advancement of culture.

Special authority in the field of population control and family planning includes determining specific terms for providing cost assistance and/or other forms of assistance provided by the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Provincial Government; and imposing specific service costs provided by the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Provincial Government.

Special authority in the field of population administration and civil records involves organizing population administration and civil records for residents registered in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta who do not reside in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta within the period according to statutory regulations.

Authorities in the maritime and fisheries field include authority in the sea area up to 12 nautical miles measured from the coastline towards the open sea and/or towards the island waters. Finally, special authority in the field of labor includes the authority to determine the amount of minimum wages and regulations regarding foreign workers.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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